How To Save Your Marriage
Approximately 1 million marriages end in divorce. That's equivalent to everyone in Houston, Tx being divorced. The real statistic is could any of those marriages be saved. The question you want to be answered is can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can promise you one thing if you did nothing the outcome has already been determined. I believe there are four simple steps that can save your marriage. When I say "simple" I don't mean easy. Simple and easy are two different things. The steps aren't easy but they do give you direction to a healthy place in your marriage. Here are the 4 steps: 1) Stop the blame game. That goes for blaming your spouse and blaming yourself. Most marriages get stuck in this phase and never move on to the next one. We are people who have to place blame somewhere. "Well, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you", statements like this don't correct or bring heal...